Saturday, April 5, 2008

World Clock - Watching the World's Population in Realtime

I came across the following website today while reading our Science Teacher's magazine. The address is as follows:

When you get to the page, you can view the number of people being born, dying, having abortions, contracting AIDS/HIV, being diagnosed with heart disease or cancer. You can click different buttons to look at the data per year, month, week or NOW. That is the scariest button of all. This would definitely be useful for grade 12 U Biology - Population Dynamics unit.

The interesting thing about this website is that although it is just numbers presented to us, what is selected to be shown is very revealing. If you look at the number of abortions, why would they include that? In Canada, we have no abortion law, since abortion is considered a medical procedure and other medical procedures have no laws associated with them. But if you click on the abortion button, you get a picture of a cute baby appears with a large number, indicating the number of abortions obtained while viewing it. You can also get numbers associated with the amount of botched abortions but it is not included in the main stats included with the World Clock. This can connect with the grade 9 Science - reproduction unit, beginning of life issues.

Other connection points for this website is Grade 11 U Biology - Biodiversity unit (Bacteria and Viruses section). Deaths by HIV/AIDS are a staggering amount but what is surprising how close a second is death by diarrhea-related causes. I think that I can assume correctly that with clean drinking water and simple medicines, that that number would be zero.

1 comment:

naturegirl said...

There were lots of interesting things to notice while digging around that site. I found it interesting to watch the earth's temperature gradually increasing. It was very disturbing to see the number of species that went extinct today, or this week.